Abandoned Heating Oil Tank Sweeps
Don't be suprised!
There was an old saying, "Oil Heats Best!" Number 2 heating oil was extremely popular and in some cases where natural gas service to a residence or property was not available, heating oil was and is used. Most modern heating oil systems use an above ground tank, however there are still secrets out there on properties waiting to be discovered.
Don't be surprised. Removal of these containers under your soil or partially under your home can be costly both in the disposal and any environmental contamination from residual oil left in the tank. Due to the potential for environmental contamination, abandoned tanks that were left in the ground are now required to be removed.
Advisory Property Inspection offers on Abandoned Oil Tank Sweep and Inspection to determine if a residence was heated by oil and if there is a potential abandoned tank left on the property.
Call us to schedule your Abandoned Oil Tank Sweep Today!
Contact us about Inspecting your property.
17 Riverdale Street
Hillsdale, NJ 07642